World AIDS Day
I am a big fan of the message and comment boards on Utah publication and news web sites such as, and I am even a bigger fan of those boards when the are stories concerning the gays and lesbians and HIV and AIDS. Being that today is World AIDS Day, I thought I would share a few of the more truely ignorant comments:
Notice how the gays who have become the unwelcome visitors in our forums of late are strangely quiet on this one, well that's not a surprise. It was gay sex that was largely responsible for turning AIDS into the huge killer that it was here in America before the anti-viral cocktail became available. Anybody else need additional bad news before you decide that anal sex isn't a good idea, hetero or homosexual.
Finally, if this is accepted or not, believed or not, THE LORD GOD always wins and this is the heavenly truth to which AMBUSH was divinely given to mankind for the CURE of HIV/AIDS and it will be here forever. Apostle Shada Mishe.
WOW!!!! Considering that Utah is the cradle for Jesus Freaks, I am amazed with the outpouring of hate and misunderstanding aimed at those with HIV and AIDS. HIV and AIDS are NOT a gay disease and I am sure their beloved Lord and Savior would slap the crap out those who think so or say that the gays deserve it. I am gay and I am HIV+. I did not get it from being gay, not is it punishment from an almighty god. I think some people need to do a little research on issues such as HIV and AIDS before posting comments that only make them look like Hitler, Saddam Hussein, George W Bush, Gargamel from the Smurfs, Skelator, get the point. I think it was that Jesus dude that said, "for as I have loved one another.
yeah, but don't you remember that ignoring some of what Jesus says makes the hate roll a little easier?
Besides, anyone who thinks anal sex isn't a good idea doesn't know what they are missing.
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